Hello! I’m Bethany Jane

Welcome to My Profile — October 2021

B J Robertson
2 min readOct 25, 2021

About Me

Right now, today, I’m a video editor working on short-form documentaries for clients in Silicon Valley. I co-run a media practice and write speculative fiction about the impact of technology on human relationships and society. Two years ago, I was a cyber security analyst in London. And before that — I was an anthropology student. I still think of myself as a digital anthropologist, poking around in the space where new technologies are changing fundamental human things like identity, or love.

Most Read Articles

I write personal essays that I hope are a little bit funny, and somehow enlightening or useful outside of my own little sphere of life experience. Here are the ones that people seem to like the most:


I would love to collaborate with other writers and publications, especially around ideas of technology and identity, technology and relationships, and being a woman in male-dominated fields. Also — if anyone else out there likes to write about dancing — then hit me up!



B J Robertson

What is a 'person'? Could the term be applied to a river? or a chatbot? Explore these questions throughou our new substack here: www. xtended.substack.com